time I was off but which way? The final destinations were known westhill
Aberdeen then flight to Shetland, I had three days to get to Aberdeen, leaving
from Falkirk area meant I could go forth road brig Kincardine bridge or Clackmannan
bridge heading toward Dundee, having already done the coast and castles north
route via the coast over forth road brig and up the coastline through Kirkcaldy
etc all the way to Leuchars. Ruled that
out for me I am always looking for new boxes to tick, it was a consideration to
head over Clackmannan to crook of Devon route to Kinross with hindsight this
would possibly have been the fastest and easiest, I opted to go Kincardine then
attempt to go through Devilla forest and pick up the Alloa to Dunfermline cycle
path trying to stay away from cars as much as possible was my thinking,
first section wasn’t on my map and that forest was an absolute maze of trails
of all sorts sometimes forest floor sometimes gravel land rover thee was even a
sandy section. There was plenty steep ups and downs (mostly ups) the fully loaded
daunder at the back and zero weight at the front meant the stearing felt
uncontrollable at times the path was deciding where the wheels could go the
back end also swung at times I could feel it and a rubbing noise that was
annoying me which turned out to be the mudguard stays, on one bumpy down
section I heard a clunk then felt a rub? It was my new panniers the bolts
holding it to the back wheel spindle had both worked loose and it had dropped
onto the mudguard SHIT, I had to prop it up against a tree remove everything
the screws were lost after a bit of head scratching I had a revelation the new
tribars had lots of bolts of differing sizes I stripped one down and used its
bolts to re`secure the pannier rack get loaded and head off again, down to one
tribar which I would plan trying to use like a narwhal when I got a chance